Monday, October 13, 2014

I want to Live inside the Music*

I want to go through life, with the feeling you get when your favorite song comes on, How you feel it rising in your chest down to the butterflies dancing in your stomach. The excitement and Happiness of singing your heart out in the car or in your bedroom with headphones in.

Because that is how we should all live life feeling. Not a world consumed by dark days and temporary happiness here and there. 

That is a Hypocritical thing of me to say, because like every other teenager struggling with depression, you can't just tell some one to stop being sad and it will magically cure them. Sadness isn't a decision it's a condition the chemical signal from the brain. In small ways though we can choose to change it.

 Smile not frown, don't let Netflix become your best friend, say yes to going out with friends, say yes to that extra scoop of ice cream, treat yourself, venture out of your comfort zone.

 It won't make your sadness disappear, but it will give you room to grow and smile. Give room for happy moments that have been blocked by the sadness you choose to let consume you completely.

 There will always be cloudy days, even stormy days, but then again the sun will always be shining above the clouds. You just have to push yourself to grow and love, they only way to get better is for you to really want it and get up. My god I know how hard and painful days can be, but choose to not let that define you, you're amazing and the universe has so many beautiful things ahead for you. Push through the hard days but never forget to look up and admire the stars.


  1. "give room for the sunshine that has been blocked by the sadness you choose to let consume you completely." #stolen

  2. "don't let Netflix become your best friend" ... :D yes... yes...

  3. "There will always be cloudy days, and even stormy days, but then again the sun always shines above the clouds." #stolen

  4. "the sun shines above the clouds" MMMMM *snaps*

  5. "because like every other teenager struggling with sadness, you can't just tell some one to stop being sad and it will work. Sadness isn't a decision it's somewhat of a condition we call depression"
    Would you just tell this to my father please??
    This was an awesome post, thanks.

  6. "because like every other teenager struggling with sadness, you can't just tell some one to stop being sad and it will work."

    the truth in this is so real. I loved this post.

  7. "It won't make your sadness disappear, but for a little while at least it will be put on the side and give room for the sunshine that has been blocked by the sadness you choose to let consume you completely."


  8. "There will always be cloudy days, and even stormy days, but then again the sun always shines above the clouds. You just have to push yourself to grow." ok this is goood.
    P.S. my fav songs playing right now "Dirty Paws"

  9. "Sing your little heart out." #stolen. Beautiful. Great post! :)
